Friday, November 25, 2011

i am but a stranger....

'We're blind to our blindness. We have very little idea of how little we know. We're not designed to'

Insight: Daniel Kahneman, psychologist

that is all for now i'm afraid....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman!"

I recently got into a debate with my mothers friend about religion. It was "a friendly conversation" I did not want to have at that time. She had been drinking and I just got home from a long day of work.

It all started when she and my mother were convinced that they had seen a ghost in my living room while they were sitting in the kitchen; and me being the SUPER wuss that I am, tried to get them to stop telling me and began to rationalize it in my mind. During my personal rationalization,  my mother's friend, we'll call her, Dana, noticed I am a wuss and began to console me by tell me that not all ghosts are bad and sometimes they are angels. (at least this is how I remember the convo, it wasn't super recent) ANYWAYS,  this conversation took a crazy turn, which I really don't know how it ended up in this place, but it began to be a "debate" about religion. I put debate in quotes because it was really just her aggressively questioning my lack of faith in GOD.

NOW, let me just say, I in NO way have a clue what I believe, ALSO, I am completely respectful of the way other people think and am open to their beliefs.

Now that I've said that... I currently do not believe in a God. I don't believe in heaven and hell, the devil or angels, the after life of any kind. My currently beliefs are based on many philosophy classes I've taken,  many history classes that discuss the beginnings of organized religions, and also the years I've spent going to my own church and the churches of my friends. 

I DO BELIEVE that when we die we go out of existence, just as we had before we were born. I believe in evolution, coincidence, the mind is the brain, that we do not have souls/spirits, and I also believe that their is life on other planets in the universe.

SO while I was having this "debate" with Dana, I was half hartedly defending my case (because it didn't seem worth it to fight her at that moment) I said something that I believe is pretty profound. She asked if I believe in miracles, that people can be blessed, and that sort of thing. I responded with this...

...I BELIEVE IN the power of the human being. The idea that we have a certain strength within ourselves to create moments that seem as if we had been blessed or a miracle has happened. We tend to give credit to a higher being, because we ourselves are stunned and don't know how else to explain it. WE DON'T GIVE OURSELVES ENOUGH CREDIT.  There is always something deep within us that can even shock ourselves. There are soo many things about the human body and the brain we have not been able to discover yet,  these things may be the reasons for the events that we can't explain.

We as humans are typically humble and we tend to doubt our own power and strength, or deny we have it at all. Also, we always have someone to blame when something bad happens.  So,  how perfect it it that there is this all powerful being that controls everything, who is kind yet vengeful.
There is a saying that religion is for the weak, well maybe it is.  Maybe when we are most week we look towards this being and beg mercy on us and bless us. But why can't we just believe in our own human power to get ourselves out of sticky situations. Maybe if we begin to trust ourselves and use our own inner strengths we can become more powerful and come to an understanding of how the human body/brain works.  (I dont know, just a thought.)

Dana said well what about the cases where (and Im completely paraphrasing) there's a bad person and they "see the light" and become good when there is NO reason for them to have "seen the light" in the first place. And I said, "I believe that even in those extreme cases, there is something DEEP within the "bad guy" that made him change his evil ways." There may have been a chemical imbalance in the brain, or a childhood recollection of something good someone had done for him, or even the way he was raised, ect... But regardless this change wasn't an act of a necessary being, God, but something deep within that came to the surface and began to change the way the person acts, feels, and thinks. And vice versa for good guys becoming bad, or obese people who suddenly want to lose weight, a career change, an urge to do anything! Its all within us.
She also, mentioned miracles where people shouldn't have survived certain instances like cancer, or a natural disaster. I responded with coincidence, chance, maybe during a tornado a person is picked up in the wind and should have died but landed a certain way on the ground where there was a huge pillow of some kind that kept them from landing on a hard surface, or just a small little instance where they're arm landed and broke but saved their spine from breaking. Cancer, maybe the chemicals in their body were strong enough to wipe out the cancer, or they reacted a certain way to treatments, or even their was no treatment but they have a certain diet, or live a certain way that just so happened to cure cancer. All of these reasons don't need a God, they just depend on the power within ourselves and the way our world works.

But I really do believe in the power of the human being. I'm going to try to dig deeper and practice this myself. I think going to church is great, I think there are good morals to be learned in church about how to treat yourself and also how to treat others, but I think people depend too much on the belief that there is this all powerful being, God, that they forget to read into those lessons and focus too much on pleasing this God. They forget to please themselves  and some end up going crazy to please this being that will never be pleased.

 just be happy and love yourself. After all, you are SUPERMAN!


Monday, February 21, 2011

there sure are a lot of frogs out there....

 Once upon a time there was an average small town girl...

             When we are young we grow up watching the classic Disney movies. Girl meets prince, they fall in love and they live happily ever after.  I know this is something that is commonly discussed but lately I've been thinking about it quite a lot.
            I have been single for about 5years now, and during those 5 years I have had quite a few experiences where I had felt betrayed, used, and mis treated by a guy who I had hopes of starting a relationship with. What I realize now is that I am a dreamer, and things do not work out like they do for Disney princesses; which I had always known, but chose to ignore that small tidbit of knowledge because I was caught up in some guy.
          I think I had gotten so used to being disposable that I had forgotten what it is supposed to be like. Currently, I have rekindled a high school fling, and I had  all of a sudden become infatuated with this guy again. He's super sweet and he seems to really like me, I hope. His actions, showing how he feels about me, has reminded me of what its like to be truly attracted to someone, and what a relationship is "supposed" to be like. This is how I should be treated, how I deserve to be treated and this is the kind of guy I should be putting my effort toward.
          About  two or three years ago I read the book "He's Just Not That Into You", that book should be the bible for all of heterosexual womankind. Its hard to read it and believe that its just that simple and, for lack of a better term, cut throat as it sounds. But, when you have a guy treat you the way you should be treated because he is actually really into you, it makes you stop and wonder why you had put soo much effort in the Assholes you'd given time to in the past.
     I currently told this guy that i wanted to take it slow, because I didn't want to rush into anything because I was afraid I would get caught up and freak out and ruin it. I have never been in an adult relationship, and I have been single for five years, and at 24 years old I want to do it the right way, if there is a "right way" to do it. Right now, though, Im not sure I want to take it slow. There isn't that awkward, get comfortable stage, because we were really good friends (with benefits at times) in high school. Although, there is some getting to know one another again because it has been a long time, and each of us has done a lot of growing. This is another part of my growing up stage. It makes sense to go slow and not rush, but I really want to be proud and call him my boyfriend and start our relationship together and get rid of my run-ins with shitty guys and put my effort into him because he deserves it too.

      All signs point to me giving up the exploration and being happy with the find, but I guess Im just scared that the find isn't the big one, and I don't want to be let down again. Last time I was let down by a guy I liked, whom I thought liked me as well, my friend said to me as he saw that I was upset, "Oh Kaitlin, the girl who couldn't be loved." It made me really realize that I really have been let down so easily, and I let it happen by being soo trusting.

       ....and eventually she lived happily ever after.... hopefully.

Goodnight dreamers*

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Alpha Male

"The Alpha male - I use this phrase a lot... Here is quick run down of what it means to me. If you watch animal shows on PBS or Discovery Channel, many species have a dominant male who has sex with all the females in the group, while the other males get none while waiting for him to die or until they are tough enough to kick his ass and become the alpha male themselves. Many males never get to be an alpha male (never get laid)."  
  "This is Maniac High's website. Maniac lives in Tokyo,

Japan and likes to pick up chicks. This site is
devoted to that endeavor. If you are a "nice guy",
and have not been successful with women up to now,
then prepare to be awakened, as the solutions await
you in these pages!"
            After a pretty traumatic night with a certain asshole, I was left to only contemplate the current social conduct that people my age think is acceptable, and where this assumption that it is in fact appropriate, comes from. Beliefs such as the quotes above are what I find are common amongst the males of my generation. 

      What my current observation of men is that they are driven by sex (this may not seem like a surprise to anyone, or something new). Whats different and recent is that while in the past it was a process; men would realize that there needs to be some effort made in order to  get a girl into bed, such as buying drinks and taking a girl on dates. Today I find, men believe that they are entitled to sex without effort. They expect to invite a girl over to"watch a movie", not even pick her up or go to see her, or go pick out the movie together. Then while watching the movie make a move and end up having sex. Its like ordering takeout and not having to pay or even tip the delivery boy. But this expectation is ridiculous, when you have a girl come over and she just want to watch a movie, then when she doesn't want to have sex during the middle of a movie on the first night hanging out with you, YOU get pissed, as if she is in the wrong and threaten to call the cops if she doesn't leave your house?! Really are you that delusional? 

        Also, whats the deal with dirty pictures over the phone. That's something I would do only to someone I really trust; when I've been in the relationship with a person for a while. Whats with this new expectation that this is something I would be OK doing if we just began talking, or seeing one another, Or we are just friends. Its called porn, look it up; porn stars will be out of jobs the day girls willingly give guys dirty pics through MMS picture messaging.  Pay for a subscription and maybe! ugh! Don't call them a fucking bitch and waste of time when they refuse to send you a picture. 

    We wonder why women these days have self confidence issues. It may be because they are being smart and saying no to horny pig and in doing so being emotionally and verbally abused. Just recently these separate occasions have hurt me and really scarred me emotionally. 

Why do men this that it's OK to treat us like this? Where do they get the idea that they are entitled to sexual favors?  Are their parents teaching them the correct way to be a decent human being?

ALSO, those girls that are giving in, or even enabling this behavior, please think about what you're doing. Its about respect and these men who this it's ok to treat women this way aren't respecting you when they take advantage of you. 

I know that what i've just written are very bias and one sided generalizations, but it has really effected me and Im trying to analyze this more common than should be occurance. 

There is no one that it really helping the matter, media, schools, friends, peers, parents. why not?
