The Road not Taken
by Robert Frost

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
This has always been one of my favorite poems, not because it is so nicely written and friendly, but because I have always been the type of person to wonder "what if". Because of that my life changes a lot; sometimes for the better and sometimes I make mistakes. Each of these changes becomes a road that leads to other changes. You could also picture a trees branches.
In the past year and a half, lets say from February 2011 until today June 2012, I have taken so may different roads; each of them equally grassy and begging for ware, yet I wouldn't know where they each would lead me, until I got there. Even though some of my destinations were not preferred, I can't say they were bad. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, whether the reason is preplanned or not is up for debate.
In February 2011, I rekindled a high school flame and began dating my wonderful boyfriend. He is smart and funny, has a good job, and a great family. We work well together; spending time together never gets old. He was up to great things. In March he bought his very own new new car and in August he moved into his very first apartment (which I ended up moving into as well... unofficially). But he was making big boy moves, which is super sexy. ANYWAYS...
At this time I had already finished my undergrad, and moved back home and was transferred to a Home Depot near my hometown to continue working with the company.Working retail isn't so bad, it's definitely challenging, especially working the customer service desk. I was getting very burnt out after 3 years of dealing with awful human beings they call customers, so in May 2011 I left to be a dental receptionist at a small, local, privately owned dentist office. (This is the destination I did not at all prefer)
I really enjoyed the work. I love filing paper work and scheduling, but I was thrown in head first to a position I had never done before, which was under valued (because I was the ONLY person in the office) and a part time position with full time hours. Something wasn't right... but I am such a positive person, it didn't phase me. About 3 months of working my butt of for this dentist who was unappreciative, angry at the world, mean, having an affair with one of the women who worked there, and just plain horrible he let me go via text message at 10pm on a Sunday. He let me go because "he couldn't remember telling me I could have an extended lunch" on a day where we had literally NO patients.
This was the first job I had ever been let go from, and unfairly so! All of a sudden I didn't have a job. I had become an unemployed bum in no time flat via text message! So, it was time to find another job.... which took forever! I was unemployed from July-September, applying to every job I could find. Finally in August I gave in, and applied for unemployment. I was so embarrassed. Luckily I was only receiving aid for a month before I was hired part time.
Now I would like to discuss this series of unfortunate events. I was angry, frustrated, embarrassed and for a whole summer.*sigh* As much as I would like to still be angry and bitter because of hem... mean mess of a man... I was happy I didn't have any obligations for the end of the summer. I could go to the beach, lay outside, take a trip with my boyfriend... not gunna lie, it was nice. But I began to feel guilty for always bumming my parents for "spare change", and making my wonderful BF pay for everything.
In September I got a job with an After School program at an elementary school. This was good because I had already began applying to schools for education. It had a very sketchy start, and I ended up interviewing for a position that had already been filled... which didn't make any sense. I ended up being offered a "team leader" position, which means I just hang out with a group of kids in a specific grade for a few hours a day, and make sure they don't get into trouble or get hurt. This was a huge change from working almost 40 hrs a week $10/hr at depot and the office, to at most 20 hrs a week for $9/hr bi-weekly (its very rare you actually get 20hrs a week). I was still struggling, but beggars can't be choosers.
So its June 2012 now, and I am just finishing up working there, because the kids end school for the year in like 2 weeks. I made it by because honestly working with the kids is worth it. They are wonderful little learners and to have any part of their childhood development and experience is a priveledge to me. I work with great people (at my site) and I have a lot of fun. Its wasn't enough to save, but enough to get by.
In December I was accepted to Grad School and began the Elementary Education Masters Program in January. The program I became a part of is accelerated January-December the same year. So it goes by way too fast. The first couple weeks of the first semester were like a whirl wind. We have to do so much, not just homework, but outside tests and payments and certifications, it's overwhelming for sure.
I LOVE IT!!! I am so happy with my classes and look forward to having a career in Elementary Edu. I have always been an average student, but in this program I completed my first semester with all As and a 3.88 GPA! I am super proud. I could not be happier. I have juststarted my summer semester and I will be going striaght until december completing my student teaching. Life is b....busy. (see what i did there?)
Today I live with my wonderful boyfriend in a apartment with our two puppies (they will be one year old in a couple days) that we got in October. I have an awful car, I get paid just enough for gas to get to school and work, and I have two different jobs until the end of June (after school program, and I just got a job at a wine shop). I go to school every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and do homework every other second of the week. And I am super happy at the moment. Of course there are things I would change (like getting paid more) but I consider myself lucky.
I know I haven't updated my blog in who knows how long... but I hope this post covers what has happened in my life since then. This will be a good precursor to anything and everything I post from now on.
As for my advice to you.... take the road less traveled, it'll make all the difference.
Truly Yours, Krogill
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