Sunday, November 14, 2010

All children, except one, grow up. ~Peter Pan

"tell me about the moment when you realized you were no longer a child" 
       a friend suggested as a new topic for my blog. Im not gunna lie, this intrigued me, yet kind of stumped me at the same time. I felt as if this one should be an easy one to discuss, because that moment is something I feel as if Id love to discuss on my blog. So much to say about that switch from child to adult. But, no... I haven't had that moment, and if I had, it was to quick to notice. 
      I don't feel like an adult, and when I've acted like one, its just  pretending. Just like a little girl plays dress up with her mothers high heeled shoes. Im 24 years old and I don't feel like an adult, but Im not a child either. I've always had a certain kind of maturity. My preferred crowd has always been a bit older than myself, and there hasn't been a time that I felt as if I was ever inappropriately immature for my age. Yet, as I enter into an adult world, out of college, making my own life decisions, I feel the same exact way I had when I was 16 learning how to drive, 18 entering into my freshman year of college, and 21 legally purchasing my first drink at a bar in the US. 
      Even though I haven't had that moment may not mean I'll never have it. As of right now I feel like Im in a type of adult limbo. Which may be a good thing. I am still young, and Im ok with that. That means I have time to explore, figuratively and literally. Having this time makes way for joining the Peace Corps an extra 2 years to be in limbo. This takes off the pressure of getting a big girl job with  a big girl family and a big girl attitude.  And if not PC, any other exploring of myself without growing up too fast.
     The reason I haven't  had that moment could be because I live with my parents at the moment. It could also be because I still have a part time job where I am treated like a child. The moment may be delayed because I still have more school ahead of me before I can even get my big girl dream job. What ever reason it is, I know that i have not had it.
     Maybe my moment will be the day I go on that interview for a big girl job of my dreams, or the day my perfect boyfriend proposes, or the day we get married, or even the day that I give birth to my first child. There is even the possibility that I will never have that moment. 
    Does everyone have that moment? And if you have had that moment, was it really a moment, or just the day you felt as if "you NEED to be an adult now... no more playing around."  

I guess I'll try to update you on the status of my moment, but for now, I might just try on my moms heels again.

NIGHT* kro

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