Saturday, November 6, 2010

the first nothings I don't know...

Fact: I graduated in May 2010 with a BA in Art History
Fact: I moved back in with my parents October 2010

   I am 24 years old, which means I have only lived about a quarter of my entire life; that leaves three times that amount I have yet to live. I think at this point I have decided to truly embracing a well known quote,  "Why then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open" (Shakespeare's The Merry Wives Of Windsor Act 2, scene 2, 2–5). 
   Many people say, "the possibilities are endless"; I'm not quite sure if that saying is meant to be just an observation, or a promise to one's self of a fulfilling life adventure. My intentions are to take those four words as a promise; a pact I make with myself to not just curl up comfortably in the small corner of the world I have known as my own for the past 24 years, but to see myself as the thick creamy butter I can spread over the warm toasty dinner roll we call Earth.
   From the moment I packed two dorm rooms and four apartments' worth of stuff in my tiny green '97 Saturn and drove the hour and 1/2 north to my parents house, the thought "what to do now..." has been engraved into the future planning section of my brain. From the moment I declared Art History as my major I figured out that my perfect future was to graduate and get into grad school, eventually get my phd in Art History, and be a college professor (along the way find the perfect man get married and have 2 1/2 children and a dog) but... I'm not sure if thats the plan anymore... 
    I miss the old days when the choices we made in life were test runs and if we made the wrong one the consequences weren't so bad. I feel as if now in my mid twenties any choice I make will shape the rest of my life. Thats a heavy load to carry, although I'm sure many of you have had this frightening thought as well. It helps to know that I am not alone in experiencing this feeling, but I alone make these choices for my life an no one else's. 

Current possibilities for near future life plans:
- Grad school for art history
- back to undergrad for interior design
OR (the current front runner)
- The Peace Corps

    Yeah! I said it. I went there. I busted out the PC card... woot woot! The PC card is like the Wild Draw Four card in UNO that you've been dealt from the very beginning but keep it perched nicely in your hand until BAM! you bust it out when the opponent next to you who is about to call UNO on their next turn least expects it. 
   I feel as if PC and I go together like spaghetti and meatballs. For example, the only thing I have ever really wanted to do in life is travel, I don't care where, just anywhere seems so exciting to me. A new place to go is like when you're 5, and you've asked Santa for like 6 months for the pink Barbie convertible and you look under the tree on Christmas morning and there are like 100 boxes (really like 10, but when you're little everything is over exaggerated) that are all a shape and size that could house that very gift, and even though you're looking for that one gift, the other 99 boxes have gifts that you absolutely love and want to play with as well. What I'm trying to get at is that when it comes to a new place I'm like a little kid with a new toy. (See, I get soo excited I start ranting)
       Anyway..... from my little corner of the earth I only have a brief and maybe even skewed knowledge of the rest of the world. Media outlets such as movies idealize places that may be foreign to us as well as over or under exaggerate the cultures or conditions of those places. I am not the kind of person that just takes information and rolls with it. I am a hands on learner. I really need to experience something to gain knowledge of it; proof is in the puddin', can't believe it until i see it, kind of learning. This idea is #3 in the  PC mission statement. 
    #2 in the mission statement is about another country's view on Americans. I'm not really sure how other countries really view Americans. From what I hear we are not too popular. But, regardless of what is being said of how we are portrayed to the rest of the world, its true that we are lucky when it comes to our possibilities of travel. There are way too many countries that are not in good economical standing, and the people who live there do not get the luxury of traveling to the US, let alone to a neighboring country/state/or village. Therefore, it must be true that their knowledge of Americans is just as limited and/or skewed as ours is of them. 
    That being said, I believe I am a pretty well rounded person; I am modest, respectful, and compassionate just to mention a few great things about myself. All kidding aside, I rarely find a person whom I cannot get along with. I honestly believe that I would be a good representative for Americans in another country. ("so did I get the part?" ha ha just kidding) I'm very open minded and in the very limited time I have lived on this earth I've made it a point to approach all situations with an open mind and heart, if anything, they are learning experiences, each and everyone. You can only learn if you allow yourself to be open to the information. 
            The first goal in the mission statement, I feel, is hard not to strive for. If one has the means to improve the life of another, why would someone not offer the aid?  There are so many less fortunate than I, and with all that I am lucky to possess (not just physical material objects) I can only gain more by sharing it with others.  It just seems as if there is no more need for explanation. I have never felt any other way. 
   There are so many other reasons why I believe that PC is perfect for me right now.  Maybe ill discuss them in my next entry of things I don't quite know. But for now, its bed time.  GOODNIGHT WORLD*


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